
Writing about art
You need copy that aligns words with visuals, uses culturally relevant language or taps into the visual references of your international audience. Art should speak for itself. Yet some background information or explanatory texts can be useful. Certainly if you want to reach and inform your public. Art has a strong emotional power and striking those chords may require and different set of references in English.

Excellent texts for:

  • exhibitions
  • lectures
  • guided tours and scripts
  • research
  • conferences
  • press releases
  • artist texts & websites

Texts on heritage and history
You need to communicate the history, the  significance of place or the conservation plan, whether to professional colleagues or visitors. My expertise in the field can help.

Translations and editing of:

  • conservation plans
  • building & planning applications
  • feasibility studies
  • information panels and scripts
  • dissertations and academic articles
  • international funding applications
  • text for publication or websites

The rate for specialist texts in this field is between 20 and 22 euro cents per word.
Editing is charged at € 65 per hour. Based on a brief review of the text, I will make an estimate of hours. Editing will include not only language issues (spelling, grammar) but also content editing (consistency, changes for clarity, questions raised, readability of your argument, etc). If you prefer basic editing, please let me know.

All work is subject to stipulated terms and conditions.

Contact: info -at-