Dutch to English Translations
Translations that accurately reflect the tone, content and style of the source text, and are also appropriate to the intended audience so that your message reaches its full potential.

Translations are charged by the word on the basis of the source text. The rate is 20 cents per word.  There is a flat fee of € 100 for anything up to 500 words. Discounts are available for non-profit organisations.

Specialised in:

  • urban planning, architecture and landscape architecture
  • heritage, history and art history
  • the arts – visual arts, theatre
  • tourism
  • education
  • academic research

With a translator/editor/writer that has experience as conservation officer, planning consultant, art history lecturer, cultural tour guide, gallery-owner and as an artist (under a pseudonym), your copy will feel natural, read persuasively and be authoritative.

Dianna Beaufort, HBA, MA, MA (Arch.Cons.)
Email: info@wordsontherun.nl
Tel: (+31) 35 888 1930